bandicam vs fraps

Bandicam vs Fraps: Which is Better?

Tool LogoTool NameMore InfoOperating SystemPriceCapture ScreenRecord Game CapturesLivestreamWebcam RecordingCapture MicCapture System AudioNo WatermarkHot Key ControlsRecording Session LimitTimeline EditingAdjust AudioPan & ZoomAdd MediaDrawing ToolAdd AnnotationsVideo Output FormatsAudio Output FormatsUpload Directly to InternetFAQ or KnowledgebaseTutorialsPhone SupportEmail SupportLive ChatMISC
Bandicam Free

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WindowsFreeYes10 Minutes2, AVI/MP40Yes (& YouTube)Timeline editing done with Bandicut
Fraps FreeVisit SiteWindowsFreeYes30 secs1, AVI0NoBig file sizes
Bandicam Full

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Windows$39YesNone2, AVI/MP41, WAVYes (& YouTube)Timeline editing done with Bandicut
Fraps FullVisit SiteWindows$37YesNone1, AVI0NoBig file sizes

As far as performance and video quality Bandicam vs Fraps are pretty damn close. Some people experience a bit of lag with Bandicam although I never have personally but it should be mentioned. Fraps puts out much larger file sizes because it was not really meant to be used as game capture software(it was originally made as benchmarking software).

To me the key decider is Bandicam does more for the same price. With it you get a desktop screen recorder and a game capture recorder. If you really like the idea of drawing on the screen and recording your webcam then those are options as well.