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SiteGround Coupons – Do Not Exist – How to Get Deals & Renewal Discounts [Dec 2018]

SiteGround Coupons – Do Not Exist – How to Get Deals & Renewal Discounts

Siteground has quickly become a top-rated host for it’s performance and multiple data center locations around the globe. It is also beloved by it’s customers because of their stellar support. Very few other web hosts can or have been able to reach this state of admiration from the community and it’s customers.

Siteground Coupons Do Not Exist

Many other websites and blogs are informing visitors in a way to trick them into signing up for hosting under their link. Promising they will get a discount that SiteGround already offers to all visitors.
Siteground Link

Siteground doesn’t have the traditional coupon codes that you would enter in at checkout and it would chop off a chunk of your web hosting plans bill before purchase. What they do have are links (like the one above) that are given out to affiliates that promote their company. At this time all of these links have the same deal of giving you 60% off the total web hosting price during the normal season. The normal season is basically anytime there is a lack of a holiday.

During these holidays all of the coupon links will be updated to grant additional discounts up to 70% off.

That’s it. Siteground doesn’t play games. The price is what it is at the time it is. No amount of vigilant research is going to turn up a different price.

Renewal Discounts

The renewal price for for the Siteground StartUp plan of the regular shared hosting is $9.95 which is more than double the amount if you started out with the 60%off discount. After a year of business you might be able to justify this extra expense and just chalk it up to having more to write-off on your taxes as direct business expenses. But seeing as how you are reading this that may not be the case.

Here are your options for getting a deal on your renewal:

The only people with the power to give you a discount are the sales or support staff. So you can just call them up and ask them for a discount on your renewal plan.

If that doesn’t work you could ask them to beat the price of one of their competitors.

If that doesn’t work then you could just move to another hosting company and save with their introductory pricing. I would proceed with caution in this case.

Siteground is honestly a very good hosting company and I wouldn’t advocate for anyone that isn’t badass. What I would advise you to do is take a moment and think about your decision. Has the support met your needs? Have you had numerous unexplained downtime issues? If you haven’t then don’t move because once you’ve found a good web host it’s better to stay put. Some web hosting companies can be a flat-out nightmare and you could unfortunately jump from one, right into another. I know because it happened to me when I started out. It’s better for your business and your sanity to just stick with what’s working.

However, if you are having those issues then check out the chart here where many of them do have some pretty big discount coupons. Out of the entire list Bluehost and Godaddy offer the deepest discounts for new customers and it even applies if you’re migrating.