Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/pideals/public_html/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-seo-pack/modules/aioseop_opengraph.php on line 848
InMotion Hosting vs Bluehost vs Godaddy - Comparison [Side by Side] [Dec 2018]

InMotion Hosting vs Bluehost vs Godaddy

HostHost NameMore InfoPricingSupport: 24/7 PhoneSupport: Live ChatSupport: Email/TicketUptimeServer Response TimeFree Domain or TransferDisk Space (GB)Unlimited BandwidthWebsites on 1 AccountData BackupsEmail AddressesFree MigrationWindows ServerscPanelMySQL DatabasesSubdomainsFTP accountsFree Website Builders1-Click Application InstallsAdvertising CreditsMoney Back Guarantee
InMotionVisit Site
Special Offers
$4.8999.9%141msUnlimited2UnlimitedYesYes225Unlimited$25090 Day
BluehostVisit Site
Special Offers
$3.95100%320ms50GB15Paid Option OnlyYes, Enhanced cPanel2525UnlimitedNone30 Day
GodaddyVisit Site
Special Offers
$4.9999.89%784ms100GB1UnlimitedNoYes10 x 1 GB2550No45 Days for annual products
48 hours for monthly products

Use this sortable table to compare the features given by Godaddy, Bluehost and InMotion. If at any point you want to sort the entire table by a specific feature listed then simply click on the title of the feature and it will sort from low-to-high or vice versa if you click it again.

Pricing: bluehost-logo
Support: 24/7 Phone: Tie
Support: Live Chat: Tie
Support: Email/Ticket: inmotion-hosting-logo & bluehost-logo
Uptime: bluehost-logo
Server Response Time: inmotion-hosting-logo
Free Domain or Transfer: Tie
Disk Space (GB): inmotion-hosting-logo
Unlimited Bandwidth: Tie
Websites on 1 Account: inmotion-hosting-logo
Data Backups: Tie
Email Addresses: inmotion-hosting-logo & godaddy-logo
Free Migration: inmotion-hosting-logo
Windows Servers: Tie
cPanel: inmotion-hosting-logo (because regular cPanel is always better than a modified one)
MySQL Databases: bluehost-logo
Subdomains: Tie
FTP accounts: inmotion-hosting-logo & bluehost-logo
Free Website Builders: inmotion-hosting-logo & bluehost-logo
1-Click Application Installs: Tie
Advertising Credits: inmotion-hosting-logo
Money Back Guarantee: inmotion-hosting-logo

Ties: 8

InMotion wins: 11

Bluehost wins: 6

Godaddy wins: 1


InMotion Hosting logo

If you would like to see how these web hosts stack up against others then you can see this comparison chart where I have personally, reviewed and ranked each host. If you are interested in managed WordPress hosting specifically then view this comparison.

‼️ Visit the Web Hosting Comparison Chart for the most recent pricing, coupons, uptime, and server response time reports.