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Uncategorized | Do Not Dwell

Category Archives for Uncategorized

A Scavenger Hunt for Interwebs People

Would you like to play a game? A Scavenger Hunt for Interwebs People is a game that can be solved with a little knowledge of internet marketing, puzzle solving skills, creative thinking and the internet. These

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im scared of the future

This message is not on my agenda. This is not a part of my plan. This is my conscience chirping, constantly coaching, don’t let this feeling go untold. It’s my passion screaming, shouting,

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Why Do We Fall – Motivational Video

You have probably heard the phrase “If you want to be successful in this world, then start with your passion and the money will follow”. Although I am a strong believer of “Be bold

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44 Gift Ideas for the Impossible Person & Entrepreneurs!

Entrepreneurs are particularly hard to buy for. They tend to think differently than other people about many things. A shiny new object might only give them temporary satisfaction before it is forgotten

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